environmental studies pdf



10. Quarantine? Ans:- Quarantine means staying home after someone has been chronic chronic chronic

chronic lung illnesses.

term treatment and care. These conditions include cancers, disorders, diabetes, and long long long

long-term health consequences and infrequently create a requirement for long-

of conditions that don't seem to be mainly caused by an acute infection, end in

9. Define non- Communicable diseases. Ans:- The term NCDs refers to a gaggle

Returning the community to normal. 

created by a disaster. Examples: search and rescue; emergency relief. Recovery -

exercises/training; warning systems. Response - Efforts to attenuate the hazards human-human human

human-made or caused by natural hazards. Preparedness plans; emergency

to higher respond and deal with the immediate aftermath of a disaster, whether it measures measures measures

measures undertaken by governments, organizations, communities, or individuals

8. Disaster preparedness? Ans:- Disaster preparedness consists of a collection of the

the identical set of mobile phone frequencies in a very given place. 

channel access method employed in mobile communication systems which reuses

7. SDMA means? Ans:- Spatial division multiple access (SDMA) could be ended end

end-of-life recycling for new car buyers who scrap their old cars. 

registration renewal mandates testing and inspection and provide incentives for

6. what's the Scrapping policy? Ans:- The policy defines the conditions of a vehicle's

the us as 16 tons, one of the world's best rates

are generated by our actions. the typical carbon footprint for an individual within a total total total

total amount of greenhouse gases (including carbonic acid gas and methane) that expressed expressed

expressed as carbonic acid gas equivalent (CO2e). A carbon footprint is that the

emissions caused by a person, event, organization, service, place, or product,

5. what's a carbon footprint? Ans:- A carbon footprint is that the total gas (GHG)

 merges into one species. 

location of the animals. If this changes, the animals can interbreed and should oftentimes

Oftentimes the sole barrier to reproduction is geographic or supported the physical are

are all classified as alike in some manner. An example of a species is all mortals. 

plants, or other living things that everyone shares common characteristics which

4. Define Species? Ans:- The definition of a species may be a group of animals, 

So it's an additional ordinary act over authorities. 

of the Central Govt. Any deviance to the act results in imprisonment in all parts. 

authorities have been ceased to chop a tree from the forest without the permission

awfully powerful act to produce protection to forests. As per this act the

3. Forest Conservation Act, 1980? Ans:- it's amended within the year 1980 it's a

as CO2 a greenhouse. Gas trap heat within the atmosphere. 

years. When humans burn fuel most of the carbon quickly enters the atmosphere earned earned

bearded maintain into fuel products of carbon like could and oil over various

2. what'sthe    Carbon cycle? Ans:- the Carbon becomes a part of the plants and the are

lithospherethe is the earth’s tectonic kilometers kilometres kilometres

Kilometres and is found on d and the ocean. the most component of crusty crust

crust, which is formed of various minerals. Its depth can reach up to 100

1. what's the lithosphere? Ans:- Lithosphere is the outeroutermostr of earth called



infected with coronavirus, and they: haven't any symptoms. 

pandemic, people should quarantine after close contact with someone who is exposed exposed

exposed to a communicable disease, to determine if they become sick. During the

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